Saturday, December 03, 2005

class of 98

it's 11.00pm on a saturday night and i was late for our class of 98 gathering at cafe flam's. got myself into the club and couldn't get hold of anyone i knew. called ck for help! a while later, cheryl met me outside the club and brought me to meet the rest.

it was great to see the gang...we have grown old! yups....we are 24 this year!!

i noticed there were 2 bottles of dewar's on the table... shitty! it's gonna be a looong night...
we were driking, dancing, screaming... pic shots where taken...flashes everywhere...
til the patrons around us were disturbed with our jakuness!

well, we can't help stealing the lime night...

it was an eventful night but i had to take off early as i wasn't feeling so good...


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